Wednesday, January 10, 2024

10 January - Sun and Bookshelves


This morning's sunshine streaming in through the big window onto the plant table in the living room was a tonic. How bright and beautiful. How energizing. I'll take cold and sunshine over milder temperatures and dark rain any day. Clouds rolled in a bit later, but the day was generally bright. 

Tim completed the work on the kitchen last spring before our long trip, but the end wall, where we planned to put bookshelves, had to wait until December. It's now done and I spent several hours filling the shelves with books and deciding how to place them. They are not organized according to colour, but like authors are together. Mysteries, English authors, cookbooks, non-fiction, etc. 

That wall was always a big blank. We put the fireplace in several years ago and had some furniture alongside, but having these bookcases and cupboards adds such coziness to the room. Now the renovation has moved to the staircase. Fortunately, my live-in contractor cleans everything up at 5 pm so the construction mess is minimal. 

In the photo of the kitchen there is an image on the wall; here is a closer look. It's a print on canvas of the Atlantic Ocean taken from a cliff top in Newfoundland during one of our hikes. A bit of the grass shows in the bottom of the photo. I wanted something with movement and colour, and I like that it's a bit abstract. 

This evening's sunset from my bedroom window. This evening I'll be reading Helen Rebanks "The Farmer's Wife - My Life in Days". 

Tomorrow the temperature is expected to drop dramatically. We may even get snow on Friday. Here's hoping!


  1. I like your renovation it is very nice and the picture on the canvas is perfectly matching. Your bookshelves are very nice on each side of the fireplace. All is perfect!

  2. That sunny window scene truly is heartening! so beautiful. I'm glad you got the bookshelves installed. That whole room is definitely cozy and homey. A blue kitchen is my ideal <3 My father built bookcases floor to ceiling on either side of the fireplace and that image was often before my childhood self, as I sat in an armchair reading one of the books from those shelves. I would like to have a bookshelf in every room of the house. Not quite there yet!

  3. Your first photo is very beautiful and I wonder if there is a white poinsettia there amongst the plants? Your bookshelves look as though you have had fun filling them, but if you are like me you will change them several times!

  4. Love your shelves and fireplace! Beautiful job!

  5. It all looks wonderful, Lorrie. Cozy and inviting.

  6. Lovely plants on the plants' table facing a bit of sunshine!
    Interesting idea - the kitchen ending in a wall of book shelves!

  7. The view out your window is even prettier than the print on the wall!
    The bookshelves look like they were always there...perfect.

  8. Your kitchen looks so nice and the view to the bookshelves is lovely. The cabinet color looks great, too. Congrats on a major project done thus far!

  9. What a beautiful room.

  10. I can only think that you and Tim would both have such a satisfying feeling of accomplishment when you stand in the kitchen looking towards the fireplace. It is all just beautiful and your gorgeous photo is like the icing on the cake. Well done, Lorrie and Tim!

  11. Loving your bookshelves. They make it look very cosy. Fingers crossed for snow. B x

  12. I admire your bookshelves and fireplace!
    Excellent job!
    The sunset scene from the window is truly breathtaking, Lorrie.

    Hugs and blessings

  13. What a wonderful renovation!

  14. Your book cases are gorgeous. Well done on the reno. What a cozy, wonderful room. And your sunset is dazzling!


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