Saturday, January 27, 2024

27 January - Indoor Pursuits on a Rainy Day


An atmospheric river, also known as a pineapple express, is flowing over our island today and tomorrow, bringing lots of rain and warmer than normal temperatures. I hear it outside now, trickling in the eavestroughs and falling softly on the roof. It's very cozy indoors with the two of us reading and the fire glowing merrily. I'm sure you're envisioning a pretty scene.

I have to be honest. Although it is very cozy, the house is in very much of an uproar. The time has come to put in the hardwood flooring in the living room and entrance hall. Tim completed the staircase, replacing the carpet with wood stairs and building a new railing with a more modern look. Now for the remainder of the flooring on the main floor. The carpet was removed yesterday. Now our cozy couch is sitting on a plywood sub-floor, one that was opened up in multiple places to update plumbing today. The piano is in the entrance hall and the other furniture piled up in the dining room. Not so pretty a scene, but still dry and warm, with perhaps a sense of rustic coziness. 

I spent yesterday and part of this morning painting the walls in the foyer. That done I retreated to the kitchen, still beautifully intact, and did some baking - a date loaf and a lemon loaf. When I asked Tim which we should eat now and which one should go into the freezer, he suggested the lemon loaf, my unspoken choice, too. Tender, with a hint of lemon in the loaf itself and then a sharp lemon glaze poured over when just taken out of the oven. A burst of citrus sunshine is particularly delicious on a grey monotone January day. 

In a half-hour or so we'll halt our reading to watch Foyle's War, which we've seen before. We're enjoying the re-runs just as much now, several years later. I think a cup of herbal tea would be the perfect accompaniment. 

I hope you are all warm and cozy, too. 


  1. We just loved Foyle's War, and I'm sure we'll watch it again. We're enjoying Doc Martin at present. I don't want it to end.

  2. Why am I tempted to go pull my lemon loaf out of the freezer right now? Stay warm, dry and cozy!

  3. I bet you are loving your finished kitchen with all that upheaval. I love Foyles War. We caught it only a couple of years ago long after its original run. I was very close to abandoning our jigsaw but the home strait is in sight ! B x

  4. I'm glad you still have the kitchen to retreat to! Your loaves look delicious and I would have chosen the lemon one also!

  5. Isn't "Foyle's War" wonderful? I loved that series and should rewatch. Your baking looks lovely. I have a wonderful lemon loaf recipe I usually make at Christmas but didn't get to this year. Maybe I'll have to whip it out this winter. You've inspired me! Good luck with the floor.

  6. Oh the joys of living in a house being renovated! You are doing well with it though by the sound of it!

  7. How nice that you have your lovely new kitchen intact while you live through some upheavals in other parts of the house. Your changes sound lovely, Lorrie, and how you will love it all when it's done. I'm sure the living room changes will make your new fireplace look even more fabulous on cozy, rainy days. I guess all that rain will leave things even more green eventually.

    Lemon loaf, yum yum!

  8. I am waiting for your blog. Really very information site. Love and bless You. I all time flow You.

  9. Very beautiful photos! The lemon obituary has reached here (Greece)!! Thanks for sharing! How different from what we live... the magic of the Blog..

  10. Living in the midst of redoing the floor ( or any remodeling) is not easy. No doubt it will be worth it when it's done.
    We started watching Foyle's War but were unable to get close captions and neither of us hears so well so it was frustrating. So we had to give up.
    It was nice to have your daily posts in January.

  11. Foyle's War is a good series.
    Enjoy your warmer weather and new flooring to be.

  12. Your home's interior is going to be all new soon. Having the kitchen intact and working can ease the pain of other upheaval. Enjoy the cozy times.

  13. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Upheaval is a part of most projects, isn't it? Worth it in the end! Your projects sound exciting, and your lemon loaf sounds delicious! I love citrus flavors in the winter.

  14. We are waiting for more episodes of Foylés war here we already what was on tv and waiting for new episodes. I also make lemon and date loaves, lemon is very tasty with it’s icing.


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