Thursday, January 11, 2024

11 January


Our snow event has been a non-event. It was fun watching the snowflakes come down for a short while, but they were few and far between. Temperatures are dropping and we'll have a couple of very cold (for our area) sunny days. 

I drove up to Sidney-by-the-Sea today for a haircut. The stylist I loved moved to the mainland and she recommended someone else. I'm not convinced. I came home, wet my hair, and did it my way! 

Before coming home I stopped by the water for a short walk. Chilly wind blew in off the water and the clouds were gathering.

At home a brightly coloured House Finch visited the feeder. Normally, they are not quite such a vibrant red. So pretty. 

Daffodils are field grown in our area for shipping around the province and beyond. I bought a bunch yesterday, tight buds that are opening beautifully. Such a bright cheery flower. 

I'll leave you with a quote by L. M. Montgomery - "It was one of the nights when the storm wind hurtles over the frozen meadows and black hollows." A sentence to make one draw closer to the fire. 


  1. Oh, I do love daffodils, and how lucky to find them in the Winter. How disappointing your hairdresser moved away - we do like to have someone who suits us, and can be relied upon. I have been know to come home and do it over too! Those little finches are just adorable. Love the quote, and it sounds like you are in for a cold spell. Keep warm.

  2. I wonder if bird colours are changing for some reason. I notice that my chaffinches are a deeper pink than usual. So lovely to see daffodils.

  3. I had often problems with hairdressers , they do what they want not what you want!
    We don’t have such a colourful birds here.
    I don’t think we have daffodils yet here but I hope soon. I stay by the fire very cold outside!

  4. I did a rant about hairdressers! Mine broke her arm...
    I usually watch your weather. My son and kids take ski lessons!

  5. That quote! It sounds like winter here in New England. Your daffodils are glorious. We are a long way from daffodils up here.

  6. The quote is perfect for the dreary weather we've been having in Vermont this January.
    Fresh flowers are in order after seeing your daffodils.

  7. L.M. Had a way with words!

  8. I wish I knew of somewhere in Abb. where I could pick up some Daffodils because we're having people over later and flowers make everything special. Yours are lovely.

  9. The daffodils are so cheerful. I do hope you can find a hairdresser that will do it 'your way'.

  10. I hate it when a stylist leaves. Those daffodils! Oh, they're wonderful and so cheerful. I could use some of those right now!

  11. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Changing hair stylists is always a little scary. Love the quote! Stay cozy by the fire!

  12. Shame about your hairdresser. I’ve had the same one for years. Hopefully a little more snow soon. At least it’s not rain and gales. B x

  13. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Hmmm.... this post, especially the lines at the end, made me shift my attention from other people's lives to my own chilly environment, and realize that I need to build a fire and get this place warmed up!


  14. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I am so impressed by your photographs. Would you mind sharing what type of camera you use? Also - I can recommend a very good hairdresser in Victoria. I moved here fairly recently and absolutely lucked out when I found her. Cheers!

  15. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I would love to know where you go to get your haircut…i am looking too! Perhaps Lorrie can share the name when you email her?
    Leslie Hostess of the Humble Bungalow


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