Sunday, January 14, 2024

14 January


Yesterday's post never happened. It was an unexpectedly busy day with guests staying quite late (a fun dinner party), and I went to bed shortly after tidying the kitchen. I'm a wee bit obsessive about not missing a day in a challenge, so I'm finding myself feeling somewhat rebellious by doing so. 

We've had the coldest temperature recorded in six decades here. Not very cold compared to other places on earth, but -11 Celsius means that gardeners will have lost some plants. Time will tell. The frigid temperatures are moving eastwards now and ours are moderating, although still below freezing. Sunset colours have been vibrant, staining large swaths of sky from orange and red to pink and violet. 

I've been perusing a new to me book, Beatrix Potter's Gardening Life. The book is set out in three parts: Part One is a gardener's biography, Part Two is a year in her gardens, and Part Three is a traveler's guide. I confess to heading straight to Part Two, but will begin at the beginning soon. 

The daffodils I purchased last week are fully open now, and this morning's fleeting sunshine cast strong shadows against the wall. 

Beatrix Potter loved the wild daffodils that grew in the Lake District, but she had many cultivated daffodils in her gardens. She had enough different kinds to have blooms in her flowerbeds for two months. 

Some housekeeping notes:

Thank you for the lovely comments about the photo of my mother and her three younger siblings. To clarify, she is the eldest of 10 children, so six more followed after the photo I showed. 

Also, Anonymous, from Victoria, wrote that she had found a good hairdresser here. Thank you for your kindness. You can email me by going to my profile and clicking on email. However, the day after my disastrous haircut I had another cut at a salon recommended by my daughter, and I'm so very pleased with it. Bad hair can be a bit of a trial. 

I'll conclude with Beatrix Potter's comment on winter - "There has been some lovely weather--to look at." 


  1. I’m glad your hairdresser is sorted. My head boggles at being one of ten children. All those aunts and uncles. Will look out that BP book. Brrrrrrr -11. I’m cold when it’s -1. B x

  2. There is nobody quite like Beatrix Potter. What a wonderful legacy she left to the nation.

  3. Oh, gosh. My hairdresser broke her arm. I am not sure where to go!
    Our plants are nicely buried under snow. I hope yours are OK.

  4. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Lorrie i am sorry to hear about the haircut…i am looking for a new hairdresser too. Perhaps you can share the name with me when you get the email ?
    Hostess of the Humble Bungalow

  5. The below freezing temperatures have reached Vermont.
    Missing a challenge day because you were busy being happy bridges the gap well.
    Beatiful daffodils. When they spread wild among the trees, they are the best flowers of the year.

  6. Here had -5C It is cold and windy it’s a long time we had frost and snow is expected. I love Beatrix Potter and will have a look to get the book. Thank you for your prayers I am really scared of the MIR result concerning my spine cord. We will see…

  7. I think I'll look for that Beatrix Potter gardening book.
    I'm glad you found a hairdresser who fixed the unfortunate haircut.

  8. So happy to read you found a hairdresser you are pleased with. I hear you on your feelings about missing a day in a challenge.

  9. I couldn't agree with the Potter quote more! I love her -- read a great bio of her last summer and have a huge book about her and her art stacked up on my pile. This one looks absolutely lovely. We are in single digits here in Michigan. Low single digits. Yes, BP was right on with that quote.

  10. Beatrix got it right!

  11. A most beautiful sunset! I marvel at how you have been posting every day. I struggle with coming up with a post once a week.
    The Beatrix Potter book looks like one to get lost in at this time of year when we are dreaming of our gardening days.
    Your daffodils look so bright and cheerful.

  12. Glad your hair is lovely 'to look at' again! I'll be happy when this blast of cold weather moves on, and I can enjoy being in the great outdoors again. Love your bright and cheery daffodils!

  13. Such beautiful colours in that sky.
    Our supermarkets are selling lovely bunches of daffodils and tulips at the moment, perhaps a sign of Spring to come!

    However, temperatures in my part of the UK are -3, no snow yet!!!

    Enjoy your January days.

    All the best Jan


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