Friday, January 12, 2024

12 January - A Bit of This and That


It's been a day of pottering about. Laundry this morning, some cleaning. Making soup - broccoli and ham this time. The photo above is from our hike last weekend. I'm certain that water is frozen today. A deep freeze arrived and it's colder here than I can remember, -10 Celsius, which isn't all that cold relative to other parts of Canada. I ran a few errands and found the wind to be the worst part of being outdoors. 

Spending time with a seed catalogue is a good way of ignoring the cold, especially when huddled by the fire with a cup of tea. Seed catalogues are lovely for dreaming, and in those dreams I have all the room I need for all the plants that appeal to me, and of course, they all grow beautifully. If only. 

Up in my sewing room I'm going through my scrap fabrics and cutting them into squares and rectangles. I love making scrappy-style quilts and I'm hopeful that this process will both inspire and keep the scraps under control. I've only begun with the scraps and I expect those piles will be quite tall when I'm finished. 

A photo from 75-80 years ago - my mother with three of her younger sisters. She is in the top right. Sadly, these younger siblings have passed away into heaven before her. Don't these little ones look sweet in their dresses and cute haircuts? 

I wonder about photos in the future. Yes, we all have hundreds or thousands of them in digital form. But will anyone see them? Will they ever be retrieved? What do you think? 


  1. I have similar thoughts re: photos too - how difficult it must have been for your mother to have lost all three of her younger siblings.

  2. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Four little darling dolls. I love anyone’s children. Linda T

  3. What a lovely photo. We still create photo books and our family love looking back through them. I think we’re the last generation to do that. I too wonder whether they’ll get lost in the ether. B x

  4. Great photo! A family treasure for sure! Stay warm over there!

  5. They are very cute indeed!
    I have photos on my computer, phone… but I also print them to make photo books or albums.
    I am scared to lose my photos. Here it is cold and we will have more snow next week, I just bought warmer coat this morning.

  6. The older I get the more I appreciate the old black and white photos! Sweet one of your mom and her sisters. Me and my three sisters are all still alive but the inevitable is coming and I'm thankful we have the Hope of heaven to ease that grief when it comes. We got down to -7 f in the night and it is still just -6 f here. A great day to stay indoors and puzzle. :) Have a wonderful day.

  7. Sounds like a gentle, peaceful day. Your photo is lovely. It is a worry about all the photos both old ones (which sometimes no one wants) and digital ones too. I save all mine onto a hard drive but will newer and different technology cope with this? Hard to know what to do:)

  8. Oh my, those photos are so precious. I have the same thoughts on photos -- so much on digital. I have TONS from my parents, grandparents and now my own but the past years have been more digital, though I do print out some. Makes you wonder -- they are such a remarkable historic record that I fear will be lost. (Much as correspondence will be lost because of email and texting, but especially longer emails.)

  9. We recently found a box of slides dating from the 60s onward and enjoyed looking at them. To do so my daughter looked on Ebay to find a slide viewer, and found one in the next village!

  10. Hi Lorrie~ Your photo is gorgeous! It has been so cold here as well, this morning it was -14 in some places. I love a cute scrappy quilt! I hope you show it to us when you are finished ;0) I often wonder the same thing about photos. I have been doing genealogy the past few days, and it made me realize that I need to be documenting and printing photos. I have found some priceless photos of mine and my husbands family, and I hope I will be able to leave photos for my own posterity that they can treasure.

  11. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Indoor pursuits . . . and soup . . . sound just right for such a cold day! It is blustery here, but not so cold. Colder weather is coming next week I think.

    I, too, wonder about today's photos. The old photos are golden. Such a sweet photo of your mother and her sisters. My own mom is the oldest of three girls, and both of her younger sisters have passed. It was (and is) hard for her.

  12. I have no answers. I'm forever dithering about my paper and digital photos and what to do with them all. I am downsizing as I go - the duds are mostly gone, but there are still way too many.

    What a sweet photo of your mom and her siblings. A treasure that you'd want to keep always.

  13. Such a beautiful picture! It's so cold here tonight that the powers that be in our Province have asked us to unplug as much as we can, get out blankets and candles, and settle in for a night of possible rolling blackouts. Never happened in the entire time we've lived here. So we have one lamp on, charging up our phones and snuggling down to wait it out. Stay warm and enjoy your seed catalogues! X Chy

  14. Lovley photograph. I think in the future, there are so many digital photos made every day, that there will be an enormous amount that somebody somewhere will find a way to make them into something unique. I was stunned that blogger has about 5000 of my photos. Many, however, are duplicates due to Blogger's filing system.


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