Wednesday, January 31, 2024

31 January - The Days in a Month


January's 31 days are done. When you think about it, a lot of living is packed into one month. This first month of the year might not be many people's favourite yet it still holds many beautiful moments. 

I've delighted in
hikes in the woods
quiet times of reading

downy woodpeckers and dark-eyed juncos
bushtits and nuthatches
sparrows of various kinds
spotted towhees
chestnut-backed chickadees
all coming to feed outside the window

a snow-transformed landscape

vibrant sunrises and sunsets
tingly cold weather
extraordinarily warm weather
rainy nights

many cups of tea
baking for family
company for a weekend
time with the grandchildren

snowdrops and hellebores
dinners with friends
reading the many comments left here

And so January ends. Thanks for accompanying me along this daily journey (I did miss two). 


  1. Thanks Lorrie, it's been an interesting month reading with you.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Thank you! Good month!

  3. What a lovely month, nature framed around family and friends! Perfect!

  4. Bravo to you! I've tried a couple of times to do daily postings for a month, and it can be challenging. I enjoyed this recap. You found lots of beauty and things to be thankful for in this first month of the year.

  5. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh, I love this post!! You are quite right that a lot of living is packed into one month. I completely agree with you that January has its own beauty and pleasures. Hal and I really wished for snow, but it was not to be. However, we still had a nice month. Lots of reading, listening to music, and eating (too much eating). The sunsets are quite lovely this time of year, too. I love all your pictures, especially the snow pics. Here's to another good month, my friend.



  6. That first is so good not to forget to look up!

  7. So glad you joined me on our January journey. I agree it was harder to post this month but I enjoyed the challenge and loved seeing all your beautiful posts. We do lead similar lives I feel. Love the first photo of those tall trees. Very majestic. Here’s to a good February. Maybe more snow :) B x

  8. Your January was packed full of wonderful ordinary gifts! I suppose those who live in tropical areas pity us but what would summer be without winter? Best to you in February and good luck in the remodeling process!

  9. I would say your January has been quite lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  10. That's a very nice summing up of January, the first month of the year! The word 'first' usually has a good connotation,
    Anyway , your January was packed, indeed, with some wonderful moments :hikes in the woods, birds and flowers outside your window, sunrises and sunsets, time with family, friends , and granchildren. Hopefully, February will be an equally wonderful month.

  11. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I am a coffee mug snob. Can spot one I envy immediately. Has everything to do with size, shape. What is yours, please? Ms Nell

  12. The thirty one days of January certainly whizzed by, your January has been a good one.
    Beautiful photographs.

    All the best Jan

  13. January has been a hard month for me and I am glad to begin February hear the birds singing and flowers coming out!
    And the new baby arrival beginning of March.

  14. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I have enjoyed following along with your January days. You are so right: a lot of living happens in a month's time!

  15. I wasn't here for the January journey and I'm glad that it's still here for me to follow . Based on this lovely and meditative reflection on your days, I know I'll enjoy the trip. This reminds me of a motto of a dear lady we once knew (she had it posted prominently at her farm-stand). It said "Thank God for Ordinary Days" -- I think of that often. And I do.

  16. It flew by...but don't they all! I'm glad you told me the size of the camper you traveled in across Canada. I don't know if we'll get far from home but I think it will be fun to stay in when we visit state parks. Love seeing the colorful sky and snow pics!

  17. January for me is always more of a quiet month, when you start the new year. Usually I feel it's a "slow" month, but this year was definitely different, and suddenly January was over. I really would like things to slow down a bit, but it seems the world areound has other ideas. I love the picture of the woodpecker and the beautiful sunset. I feel both sunsets and sunrises are more brilliant in winter than in summer.

  18. Lovely photos. January was a busy month for us. It was almost a blur.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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