Monday, January 22, 2024

21 January - Clouds, Rain, and Birds


The rain is dripping outside this evening, melting all the leftover snow. It's a toss-up between slightly warmer weather and cloudy rainy days, or colder weather and snow with often blue skies. I'll enjoy them both.

We saw at least 15 American Robins in the tree outside the window. They were all fluffed up keeping warm in the chilly weather. I don't know that I've ever seen so many of them together. Are they perhaps confused and migrating north already? I think they had better hunker down somewhere for a few weeks. We could easily get another blast or two of cold weather.

Our walk on Saturday afternoon took us to Island View Beach. Across the water, James Island, shrouded in cloud, still has plenty of snow. 

Gulls, and Barrows Goldeneye Ducks swam in the chilly water, unconcerned by the dull skies. 

Subtle colours in the landscape. Thank you for all your lovely responses to the questions posed in yesterday's post. It's really fun to learn a little bit more about the people who read my blog. 

In a recent post I mentioned making marmalade. Someone asked for the recipe and this BBC Good Food recipe is similar to the one I used, although I did not warm the sugar before adding it. 

We had a good visit with my sister and her husband, catching up on everyday life and also planning a trip we're taking together in June. Planning and anticipation are part of the joy of travel, I find. I don't think I'd like to be whisked away in a surprise adventure without being able to plan ahead. Do you feel that way, too? 


  1. Thank you for the recipe, Lorrie. I'll let you know how it goes. I enjoy the planning that goes into travel, too. Sometimes I think I enjoy the anticipation as much as the trip. I'm always a tad eager to get home again.

  2. Surprise adventures are for the young! I like to take time becomes part of the holiday. I like to plan what to take with me, knowing that I have the right clothes. It would be no good packing a lovely dress only to find that the surprise was mountain climbing! I also like to do a bit of research into the area. I'm doing that now ready for an Easter getaway.

  3. Planning definitely for a holiday here too. Always things to organise before a trip away. I would be no use as a spur of the moment traveller. B x

  4. I am definitely a planner. I often wish that I was more spontaneous.
    A trip with your sister sounds like fun.

  5. Barrows Goldeneye are such beautiful ducks, especially the male.
    Thank you for the marmalade recipe. One of these days I'll make some again.

  6. I would rather plan a trip than go not knowing about the area.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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