Wednesday, January 17, 2024

17 January - Snow Day


A system moved in from the Pacific bringing lovely snow to our island. With temperatures hovering around freezing, snow makes a big mess here. Streets are icy and people are unaccustomed to driving in such conditions. Schools were mostly cancelled, and people were encouraged to work from home. 

I always feel like it's a holiday when snow comes. Tim and I went for a long walk around the bog while it snowed. I tried to photograph the Spotted Towhee, and so many of the images included spots of falling snowflakes. 

So much beauty in the snow. Mary Oliver writes these lines about snow falling at night: 

Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more 
than prettiness

We noticed a number of branches broken by the weight of the snow. A bit of green moss clung to one, a bit of colour against the black and white landscape. 

Home again to wander around the garden. Snowdrops and hellebores buried by snow. Soft mounds indicate low plants, and everywhere, branches outlined in white. 

Indoors, I made tea and sipped it while looking out the window. A good afternoon for making soup and biscuits. Now, by evening, the snow is already disappearing, shaken off branches, leaving them bare and dark once more. 


  1. Thanks for nice fotos.
    How beautiful is this wonderful snow. A little winter fairy tale and it's great to use it.
    How nice that you took a wonderful walk.
    It looks like this today too because it snowed again last night... I'll do the same with skis... enjoy.
    Many happy greetings to you from Viola

  2. We have ad a light covering today, enough to freeze the bird bath solid. I'v e been out, very carefully, and given fresh water but it may well freeze again, What a lovely photo of the fairy like moss on the branch,

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. We have at least two feet of snow but bitter cold. We are still minus 1˚ F here this morning. Even the salt won't melt the ice on the roads. It is beautiful as your pictures show. Stay warm- xo Diana

  5. I love the Mary Oliver poem. She certainly captures the beauty of snow. Driving back from the Midwest earlier this week, it seems the whole world is covered in snow. We arrived home to find yet more snow, and weather reports tell me the east coast is covered in the white stuff as well. Today the sun is shining, but it's windy and cold. A good day for soup for lunch.

  6. It's always a treat to have that first snow covering everything. Ours will take a while to melt. Enjoy your Thursday!

  7. What amazing little flowers Snowdrops are - they survive freezing weather, being buried in snow, and then reappear looking as fresh as before.

  8. Still not a flake here and I have been wishing for some. However, when I see how cold it looks there dear Lorrie I must say I'll get along OK this winter even if it doesn't snow!
    My birdbaths are frozen solid again today so it is cold even with lovely sunshine.
    Mary x

  9. It is always a wonder to walk among the woods after a snowfall.

  10. A magical wonderland. Always extra special when it’s not the norm. Love the Towee. B x

  11. The snow is still here and -5C tonight then Saturday -9 C! No school busses and slippery roads. But it is beautiful !

  12. A true winter wonderland. It's cold enough to snow here, but there isn't even a chance of it in the long term forecast. So, I will enjoy your lovely photos.

  13. The snow is so pretty. Our street is a mess as it is one of the last streets to get plowed. With the temperature hovering right at freezing I doubt any melting will happen today.

  14. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Beautiful snowy scenes! I don't have much use for snow unless there is enough to close things down for a time. Soup and biscuits is a good snow menu!


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