Friday, January 05, 2024

5 January - Weaknesses


Yesterday's sunshine gave way to a steady drizzle today. In spite of that I was out planting garlic cloves. Usually they are planted in the autumn months, but I was late last year, too, and gardening experts around here say it's fine. I wanted to get them tucked in before a cold snap arrives next week. 

One hellebore, Ice and Roses, is blooming profusely. My other two plants, both white, are still tight buds hugging the ground. A little posy of hellebores and candy tuft add life to my kitchen windowsill. 

On another blog I read The Weaver of Grass, Pat asked, "What are your weaknesses? What can you not resist?" I thought it would be fun to ask the same question of my readers. Here are a few things I find hard to resist:

1. Books - I try to borrow as many from the library as possible, but some I like to read and re-read, and so my bookshelves are full. 

2. Potato Chips - aka Crisps in the UK and Europe - An open bag of these is irresistible. I love the crunch and the saltiness. So I try not to purchase them very often.

3. Chocolate - I eat a bit every day, preferably 78% dark. Just a square signals the end of eating after dinner and is most satisfying. Chocolate desserts are my favourites. 

4. Fabric - I am inspired to purchase fabric beyond what I produce with it. This year I have a goal of using up and not purchasing more. We'll see how far I get with it. 

5. Pretty stationery - Note cards and journals (especially journals). And lovely pens and pencils to go along with them. A freshly sharpened pencil is a beautiful thing. 

Now it's your turn. Do tell. 


  1. What a lovely idea. Weaknesses; where do I start. Buying too much wool without doubt, crisp eating! Word puzzles definitely. Love the hellebores in a vase. I rarely have success if I cut them and bring them indoors. B x

  2. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Crisps, chocolate, fabric, wool. I have more fabric and wool than I will ever use, but that doesn’t stop me from buying more!

  3. Beautiful hellebores. My ' weaknesses'......always books, I can't resist them. Then fabric, always forgetting that buying fabric isnt the same as actually making something with it. Plants are another problem, I want to buy so much from the catalogues, but usually settle for growing from seed. And of course chocolate.

  4. Sweet and salt…chocolate rather than candy and cheesies rather than chips. I would be happy if we only saw your snowflake! It is a beauty.

  5. Lovely flowers. They do brighten the day.
    Tough question. What grabs my attention varies. At thrift stores, yards sales, rummage sales, enamel pans especially the white splatted dotted kind. Enamel butcher trays. I have 2 I use as palettes. Fabric is up there. I have to tell myself not to even go in the store when I walk by. I banned myself for buying fabric until after I finish a sewing project. lol

  6. My biggest weakness is books, too! I love your pretty hellebore arrangement and your sweet snowflake. They're wonderful!

  7. I agree that a good pen or a freshly sharpened pencil is a pleasure to use. I have an incredible sweet tooth especially baked goods
    ( think cinnamon buns) and of course I have a weakness for pretty china. And flowers.

  8. I think my biggest weakness is books! Every now and again I do have a sort out and take some to the Charity Shop, you may call them Thrift Shops.

    All the best Jan

  9. frivolous enjoyments ...
    chocolate filled with nuts and caramel.
    a quick trip to Homesense to look at dishes, cushions, towels, bedding etc.
    a new pair of jeans
    Starbucks caramel macchiato

  10. I read this post and immediately got up and found the bag of chips to eat a little snack! hahaha!!! I love chips and lately hubby and I have been on a Frito corn chip craze. I also like to put some of my sugar free chocolate chips (Bake Believe) in a snack bag with some nuts and eat them for a treat. I check out books as ebooks from my library and read some every day. But I also love bookcases filled with books...both old and new! Thanks for the fun with this post!

  11. This is an interesting and fun idea for a post. Let's see. In no particular order: 1. Used books. 2. Fabric -- I have what's known as SABLE: stash acquired beyond life expectancy. 3. Counted cross stitch charts. I have trouble resisting beautiful, doable winter designs. 4. Vintage dishes. 5. Our amazing local thrift stores feed weakness #4. Chocolate should possibly be first on the list, though I'm on a sugar fast at the moment and so won't be tasting any until mid-February, most likely. Unless my wonderful daughter (or myself) bakes me a sugarless birthday treat using maple syrup.


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