Sunday, January 28, 2024

28 January - Making Madeleines


A little plate of golden madeleines certainly brightened up this most grey and foggy afternoon. They were delicious accompanied by a cup of tea. 

Two little girls helped with adding ingredients, stirring, and sprinkling on icing sugar after baking. We read stories while waiting for the madeleines to bake and cool. Such fun. 

Nothing else to report today. This bowl of oranges is the most colourful thing I've seen today. 


  1. Here it is also a grey day. No rain yet but we must put the light on.
    I love Madeleine i like to see them blow into the oven
    I also make lemon ones which are very good with chocolate on top.

  2. Baking together with adults and listening to stories while waiting, could there be anything lovelier for small children?
    I have never made madeleines. Catherine's recipe with chocolate on top sounds very nice too.

  3. Chocolate madeleines...there's an interesting thought. Yours look patisserie perfect.

  4. I need to concentrate on something more colorful than the landscape at present. Those madeleines look delicious and your helpers so sweet!

  5. The little darlings make any event precious!

  6. I just love making madeleines. Yours look delightful and I love your sous chefs' assistance!

  7. A bowl with oranges is always an attractive sight! I usually have organges on display, although pomelo is the only citrus fruit I really like to eat.

  8. I can almost smell those cakes from here. I bet the girls had fun helping you. B x

  9. What a sweet picture of your little helpers. The madeleines on the white plate look so pretty and I have no doubt they tasted delicious.

  10. What a sweet thing to have some of your grands bake them with you! I have never eaten a madeleine but want to badly. So much so that I requested a good madeleine pan for Christmas and one of the days will get up my nerve to try some of the recipes I've been collecting in anticipation. If they turn out okay perhaps my own granddaughters will want to help me make some the next time they are in town.

  11. I would love to have a Madeleine with a cup of tea!

  12. Anonymous8:00 PM

    No need for any other report. A plate of warm Madeleines, a cup of tea, and sweet granddaughters . . . it is enough.
    ~ Cheryl

  13. Your madeleines are lovely and I'm sure they taste wonderful. I have never tried making them.

  14. Oh, how delicious and in such wonderful company.
    Just fantastic.

  15. A lovely photograph showing your helpers, they are concentrating well.

    All the best Jan


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