Monday, January 22, 2024

22 January - A Quiet Day at Home


A day of quiet pursuits at home. Over the weekend I made some gluten-free cookies for my sister and her husband. There are some left and are good with a cup of tea in the afternoon. They use ingredients common in any home, without the special flours that people with celiac disease often use. 

 Food preparation of another sort. The little girls are fond of playing with little dishes and imaginary food just now, so I stitched up some breakfast food from felt. Eggs, strips of bacon, and pancakes with maple syrup and a pat of butter. I'm looking forward to listening to them play with them next time they come by. I think I will add a cluster of blueberries to the breakfast, too. 

I'm a good way through this pleasant book, a simple mystery set at the imaginary home of Agatha Christie and her second husband. Phyllida Bright and admires Christie's detective Poiret very much. When a body turns up in the library, Phyllida uses her own "little gray cells" to solve the crime. 

Once again the rain trickles through the eavestrough and it's a cozy evening by the fire. 


  1. Oh I love your imaginary food. That will be me soon. Having loved your previous recommendation of the C J Bennett novel I will have to give this one a go. I love a cosy mystery. B x

  2. What a lovely 'breakfast' Lorrie, you are so imaginative.

  3. I always enjoy reading about your family, from the grands to the great grands! They are what life is all about.

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. That play food is adorable!
    I love a good, non gory, murder mystery!

  5. What fun your imaginary food creations are. I'm guessing they were fun to create, too.

  6. Your felt food is adorable! Thank you for the real cookie recipe!

  7. The gluten free cookies that you made look delicious and the recipe certainly sounds easy. My son recently made cookies that had three ingredients: egg white, icing sugar, and peanut butter. The cookies turned out very well but the recipe only made a few. If I made them I would double the recipe and preplan a use for the yolks.
    The fake felt food looks like a lot of fun!

  8. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Oh my goodness. Your imaginary breakfast food is darling! I am sure that the girls will love these!

  9. Those cookies look great -- and so do your "breakfast" foods! That book sounds like a fun one. I love mysteries! (As you can tell from my current book post!)

  10. Lorrie, I forgot to leave a comment on this post yesterday when I saw your felt breakfast. Absolutely delicious eggs, bacon and pancakes! Have the grands seen them yet? You're the grandmother of dreams!


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