Monday, January 15, 2024

15 January - Ice


The third Monday in January is purported to be the "bluest" day of the year. Today was mostly bright and sunny and a wee bit warmer, making an afternoon walk very pleasant, with no "blue" feelings. I've found that getting outdoors is a good way to boost my mood, if needed. 

There is a low-lying area near us known as Panama Flats. It's a park full of grasses, treed areas, and paths winding in all directions, and some water. When torrential rain falls, the Flats are flooded, protecting the higher ground all around. After our cold snap, the shallow waters are frozen, enabling skaters to twirl and glide at will. We went out early this evening and watched young and not-so-young hockey players, families with gas fire rings, and skaters of all abilities enjoy this rare opportunity. 

My parents bought us skates when we were quite young. When the small lakes surrounding our town were thoroughly frozen we would pack up the car with skates, toques, gloves, and jackets, along with a thermos of something hot and spend a few hours on the ice. It was fun, but I never got the hang of feeling comfortable on the ice. My knees would stiffen up in fear of falling, which, of course, I did a lot of. I much preferred tobogganing down a snowy slope. 

Tonight Tim wished for skates. He was always much better at it than I ever was. The ice was smooth and dark and free of snow - perfect for skating. As darkness fell, I watched the graceful swooping movements of lights across the ice - skaters with their headlamps. Almost, I wished I had my old skates. Almost. 

How do you feel about ice skating? Any memories to share? 


  1. We don’t do ice skating here except in ice rink. I did not, but we gave a lift to our children on Sundays to the ice rink and they enjoyed it very much.

  2. How lovely to see the ice skaters in the open. As a teenager I used to ice skate badly. Last time I tried in my forties I fell ice and hurt my wrist. Now I just watch and admire. B x

  3. How beautiful, to be able to skate on ice in the open air. Being a tropical girl, I have never ice skated, and only roller skated a few times on holiday when a child. A few times we have been in Ottawa at Christmas/New Year, and once we went onto the Rideau Canal for a walk, while the skaters whizzed past. That was exciting. We have also seen our grandsons ice skate on one visit. So spectacular and beautiful. I find walking in the outdoors very mood elevating too :)

  4. I have never skated but often wished I could.

  5. I’m with you on the ice, wishes to skate not actual skating! That setting sounds lovely!

  6. I don't do well on skates and haven't since I broke my arm skating in fourth grade! (All wasn't lost, though. I learned how to write passably with my right hand and on occasion still do, just for sport.) Bad balance, blood thinners and bicycles aren't a good thing for me and neither is skating!

  7. I like the idea of skating but I never could get the hang of it. My feet always were in great pain when I put on skates. So I finally said it was over. I watched the ice dancers and imagine myself doing the moves...safely from my seat in a cozy room. :)

  8. I've only been skating once or twice and didn't really enjoy it.
    However, watching ice dancers and skaters is very enjoyable, they can look so graceful skimming across the ice and executing some wonderful moves.

    All the best Jan

  9. It was so nice catching up with you, Lorrie. I did love to skate when I was a young girl. One Christmas, my parents gave me a red skating outfit trimmed in white fur, and I loved wearing that. We skated at ice rinks and not on frozen lakes. Our frigid temperatures in Texas are reminiscent of our winters in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan where I lived previously. Your kitchen with the bookshelves looks so inviting! It must be your favorite part of your home.

  10. I'm not much of an ice skater. I can barely stay upright. LOL. My friend's 11-year-old daughter has been figure skating for a few years. It's amazing to see her learn how to do the twirls and jumps.

  11. What a charming post!
    I've never tried ice skating—just roller skating when we were kids. Living in my tropical corner of the world means no chance for ice skating adventures!

    Hugs and blessings, Lorrie

  12. What a lovely post, Lorrie!
    I liked skating when I was a child. At school we did some figure skating and played ringette (not using ice hockey skates). I was so fond of my skates that I often took them out from the cabinet also in summer and admired them and wore them for a moment. :)
    Nowadays I too feel much less confident.
    Happy winter days!

  13. Marilyn M5:07 PM

    When I was in high school my church youth group would go ice skating at a historic rink in San Francisco right next to the sea. It was amazing. Today some people in Portland were ice skating down the streets that were frozen. Quite a sight!


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