Sunday, January 07, 2024

7 January - Afternoon Hike


Walking is a daily routine for us, but sometimes we want to go a bit further afield. Today we drove a few miles north to John Dean Provincial Park. Although cloudy skies prevailed, no rain fell, and the temperature was perfect for what turned out to be a strenuous 2-plus hour hike. 
My watch informed me that we climbed the equivalent of 92 staircases today, and 12,492 steps. I won't argue with the numbers because I can feel some tiredness in my legs even now, several hours later. 

Large white mushrooms nestled against a fallen log.

The long scars seen on the trees are strips of Yellow Cedar harvested by the First Nations Peoples. They use the bark strips to produce threads, sometimes dyed, for clothing, mats, blankets, and hats. Through long years of experience the First Nations learned how to harvest bark without killing the trees. 

A small ferry that carries a dozen or so cars travels across the Saanich Inlet. 

By 3:30 pm the light was fading, but still glowed on the long stretch of the inlet. On the right side of the photo a few buildings show where Brentwood Bay is, close to Butchart Gardens. 

The evening has been a quiet one; some television, some reading, and a simple supper. We'll sleep well tonight. 


  1. That sounds like a wonderful place to hike, teeming with history. Hopefully we’ll have a good long walk today. We have our granddaughter and walking with her buggy is the perfect way to get her to have a long nap. B x

  2. That is quite a long hike! Always something interesting to see.

  3. Such a pretty setting. How wonderful you can walk there in winter!

  4. You have some beautiful walking areas!

  5. That was an impressive walk both because of the number of steps and also the great pictures. Happy new week!!

  6. 92 staircases is most impressive. Now that I live in a one story home, I have to go out of my way to think up ways to get stair climbing into my life. Whenever I visit my son I use his two staircases to see how many flights of stairs I can climb while I am there.
    I have no doubt you slept well after your hiking.

  7. You live in another beautiful part of Canada!

  8. Marilyn M3:02 PM

    Definitely a good long walk helps with sleeping better. Today I wanted to walk, but it is so wet that I went to a large market and walked inside. Your trail looks beautiful and fascinating about the harvesting of the bark. I didn't know that.

  9. Two hours on a good hike, I say sleep will be really good. Beautiful scenery to dream about as well

  10. I wish I could hike in such a beautiful place!


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