Friday, January 19, 2024

19 January - What We Think


Blogging has been so much fun for me. My first post was published waaaay back in March of 2007. I was inspired by all the sewing and craft blogs I'd found and enjoyed. Hence the name of my blog. My writing soon evolved into a "slice of life" blog, but I haven't bothered to change the name. I hope it's a gentle and beautiful place, for that's what I intend it to be.

I've "met" so many wonderful people through blogging, reciprocating comments by visiting your blogs, or comments via email, occasionally. It's a wonderful community we have. But. We only share a teensy tiny slice of our lives. We share what we choose to share. 

Let's play a little "get to know you" better game. I'll pose the questions (and my answers) and you can respond (or not) in the comment section. 

1. What's appealing to your taste buds just now? These days I'm making and eating soups. I could eat soup for almost every meal. Most recently I made a vegetable soup filled with onions, carrots, celery, cabbage, and tomatoes. A vegetarian borscht, you might say. 

2. What do you do for exercise? Walking is my primary form of exertion, although I've added some strength and mobility training. Lucy Wyndham-Read is an English lass with a Youtube Channel who has fun and doable workouts that I enjoy. They are short and varied. I confess that I had to get used to her voice.

3. Are you a list-maker? Definitely. I'm a much better list-maker than list-doer. I love writing things down on paper with a freshly sharpened pencil. And although I may not complete everything on my list, just making the list seems to provide focus for me. 

Your turn soon. I've written on another topic below and then added the questions for your responses at the bottom of the post. 

Further to the point of sharing just bits and pieces of our lives on blogs, I was a wee bit surprised by a comment on yesterday's post. Anonymous Beth, who has never commented before that I can see, wrote "At the risk of sounding censorious, which I really am not intending, where does the posy of gerbera and stocks come from - ie, are they grown under glass, flown in?"

I've been pondering this off and on today - why the question? Does the commenter live locally and want to know where to get them, or is it a subtle nudge to consider greenhouse gases and climate change? I'm curious, and I'm afraid that I took the question to mean the latter. Perhaps I am mistaken. 

Tone, body language, and other non-written communication devices are difficult to express in writing. It behooves us all to be very clear about what we are saying. And if people have questions, my e-mail address is in my profile for a one-to-one conversation.

I do not share my thoughts and opinions on many topics here, wanting a space free of dissent. No one knows my shopping habits or which manufacturers or products I won't purchase, nor my views on politics or environmental issues. It's personal, and not in keeping with the intent of my blog. My posy of flowers delights my eyes and nose, and adds a bit of fresh beauty to my dining room table. I make no apology for them. 

Once again, here are the three questions, put together without my answers, for you to copy and paste and respond to, if you wish. And, if you wish to respond to the other topic, I'm here to listen.

1. What's appealing to your taste buds just now?

2. What do you do for exercise?

3. Are you a list-maker?


  1. 1. For spicey, (that I hope to taste), I'm exploring Armenian and Greek foods.
    2. Exercise bike and moving around, when I remember, and have the energy.
    3. Lists maker here. They are great for grocery shopping.

    I will be checking out the exercise videos you link to. The exercise programs on television don't inspire me.

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    1. I love soups in the cooler weather too! I am planning to make pasta e fagioli soon. (My hubby requested chicken pot pie for the weekend.)
    2. Not enough.
    3. I am definitely a list-maker. I am forgetful, so a list keeps me on track. But I also find that I am more productive with a list to work from, and there is great satisfaction in "checking" things off. I used to be a paper-and-pencil list-maker, but now I use the Notes app on my phone.

    (And 4. I, too, appreciate clarity in online communication.)

  3. 1. Also soups, regular item on the menu in the winter months especially
    2. Walking the dog, and a gentle yoga class
    3. Definitely a list maker. Old school, notepad and pen. Love crossing those items off

  4. What a good idea! And I would also say that I raised an eyebrow at the comment yesterday. Flowers are comfort for the soul.
    1. All things naughty and warming, lots of Soup ,always homemade, sticky toffee pudding, and buttered toast with honey.
    2. Trying to walk more even if just to the local shop, but not really enough.
    3. Lists are my backbone, have always made them.

  5. At this moment coffee is appealing to my taste buds. :) The only exercise I'm getting is a little snow shoveling. Walking is my primary form of exercise in general. I'm a list maker and I work well under that system. I do weekly lists from Monday-Sunday. Right now I have 3 more things to tick off my list. Have a beautiful day and enjoy those lovely flowers!

  6. I cooked turkey this week because my husband and I were craving it. We will freeze some for a sandwich in the future.

  7. 1. I don't have a craving. I just like having something in the oven, or crock pot, putting out great aromas!
    2. I walk in the forest, but I do about 20 minutes on the elliptical machine 5 days a week.
    3. I don't often make lists. More often in summer for gardening. Sometimes I do a list of what I have accomplished to make me feel better.

  8. This is fun Lorrie. Yes, blogging has changed since it's inception all those years ago - and what great times it has brought us, especially enabling us to meet lovely people along the way!

    1. Soups and veggie stews (the latter thicker versions to be served over grains, rice, even mashed potatoes!) for a comforting bowl. Sheet pan meals with veggies and cheese - so comforting and easy. Baking a wholesome cake (with prunes, apples and almond flour), and fresh berry crumbles with crunchy oat toppings.
    2. Up and down stairs all day long; walking short distances only while so cold out; a bit scared to do a lot of exercises due to balance and back issues these days!
    3. Love those magnetic notepads for the fridge - writing notes, grocery lists, times, appointments etc. Always keep a sharpened pencil on a magnet next to the pad.

    Bought tulips yesterday after seeing your flowers - they were "Grown in New Jersey" - certainly in a hot house and definitely flown to North Carolina!!!!
    Enjoy the weekend Lorrie dear.
    Mary x

  9. I look forward to your blooms in all the posts you do! That pink, especially, just knocks my socks off. I suspect it was just a question of curiosity. But I'm like you. I try hard not to go into too controversial areas (though who knows what will happen in 2024!). But as long as comments are civil and well meaning or curious, I'm OK with that. Meanness? Nope. Trolling? Nope. That's not what this platform is for -- at least not to me! (People can always just leave a post or a blogger if it really doesn't fit.)

    I like your questions and how we all connect on blog. I've made many wonderful friendships that way. Here are my answers!
    1) Like you, I'm into soup and making onion soup this weekend. Those samples at Costco work -- yesterday I ended up trying and buying two soups -- Lasagna soup with turkey sausage and Lobster Bisque!
    2. What do you do for exercise? In the good weather I walk and when I'm up north I swim. I'm pretty bad in the winter -- and try to do my walking indoors, usually at box stores, which isn't particularly fun and sometimes ends up being too expensive! But I'm getting to know where everything is located in all our big stores!
    3. Are you a list-maker? Absolutely! It comes from my days of working when I did action items. I get great joy in checking off the list -- including the first item. Make list.

  10. Anonymous7:34 AM

    1. ? Remembering the good old days before I lost my sense of smell/taste.
    2. Daily walking, twice weekly yoga and sometimes bike riding.
    3. I love list making, been doing it all my life!
    PS I must have flowers, don't care where they come from. Trying to be a good inhabitant of the planet but one can't manage everything. Marguerite

  11. I wondered about that comment too.
    1. Not sure about this one. Maybe soup and of course home made bread!
    2. I get most of my daily exercise walking.
    3. I not only enjoy making lists but at this point in my life they are absolutely necessary.

    Thanks for this enjoyable "getting to know one another better post.

  12. 1. Comfort food, warm and filling. My diet is usually vegetarian but in cold weather I get a longing for meat. Lasagna this week and a couple of chicken dishes.
    2. A short session of Chi Kung. I use a DVD by Jason Chan and, unless the weather is truly miserable, aim for a daily walk.
    3. Not a list maker.
    I blog with an optimistic voice, I don't discuss my politics or problems. I enjoy the small things that unite us around the world, such as the pleasure to be got from a vase of flowers. I get a strong impression of the various bloggers from their writing but I wonder how accurate my impressions might be! Personal family histories interest me, I think that Blogland is a wonderful historical archive!

  13. I totally agree on your ethos for your blog. What are my comfort foods; definitely soups at the moment with freshly baked bread. Sadly not home made. Walking for exercise although occasionally a run or Pilates from utube. Love a good shopping list. I like to be organised with what I’m going to buy before entering a supermarket. Love your idea of asking questions. B x

  14. The comment took me by surprise, but perhaps it was driven by curiosity. Like you, I try to blog to look for the positive and joy in life, and make it a soft place for readers to land.
    My comfort foods at the moment are, unfortunately, sweets. I think my taste buds got too accustomed to them over the holidays! I'm trying to change it up. Walking is my activity of choice, although I do enjoy water aerobics when the weather is warmer. I love making lists!

  15. As we are having a tropical heat wave at the moment, we are enjoying all sorts of cool salad meals, and fresh fruit desserts.
    I walk in my local area most days, when the temperature is 30c or less. Last week I drove to a mall to walk. I have a weekly exercise session with a trainer, do the routine with weights at home two other days. On other days, a routine from the physiotherapist to treat/prevent the injuries I acquired over the past six month.
    I am absolutely a list-maker, and have been all my life. Lists for shopping, lists for medical requirements, lists for home improvement, lists for sewing: the list goes on!

  16. Lorrie - thanks for your recent visit to my blog and your kind comments. I went to your last post, and was intrigued by "thanks for answering my questions", so I scrolled down to find this post. It was fascinating to read about the question you received from another blogger - re-affirming my belief that written forms of media have severe limitations - it is very difficult to know the tone, etc. That is why I find it quite distressing that my own children hesitate so much to pick up the phone and call people. How did we get to this place? But I digress - to the three questions you posed! Tastebuds: hearty soups! Exercise: I run 6 miles on the treadmill a couple days a week, plus weight training a couple of days a week. Sometimes cross-country skiing replaces the weight training. I am also downhill skiing a couple days a week. List-maker? Yes. I couldn't live without my to-do list. It keeps me sane to write things down and to have a plan for the day and the week, and sometimes beyond!

  17. It's interesting how so many bloggers have changed their focus while blogging. I've heard the advice to "find your niche" and stick to it but fail completely at that. Even more so where Instagram comes in and that has kept me from actually posting anything there on what I perceive as a more judgmental venue. May I say, Lorrie, that you do an admirable job of making Fabric Paper Thread a safe welcoming place to come to for inspiration in many areas of life. I admit that any time I've stepped into a controversial landmine on my own blogs that I've regretted it. And yet the itch is sometimes so strong to want to.

    Your questions: 1. Homemade vegetable soup happens here at least once a week, especially after a rich cheesy casserole has been on the menu. After Chicken Divan the night before last, and plenty still in the fridge, I got up yesterday morning and for breakfast got a pot going, simply craving it, chopping onions, celery, carrots, garlic to add to olive oil and then adding frozen corn, green beans, and sliced okra to the pot, lots of herbs and then pearl barley to the hot broth, which was a big bowl of chicken broth left from cooking the chicken the day before so the soup was not a true vegetarian soup. Also a can of crushed tomatoes. But then I also craved one of those chocolate truffles that we bought at Costco for Christmas and is supposed to be hidden in the pantry. 2. Exercise for me now is simply housework and my daily PT exercises, I'm ashamed to say. 3. Absolutely I'm a list maker and it's a rare day when everything gets checked off. Sometimes I'll realize I've "worked" all morning and not one thing on my list has been done. Oh well, so be it.

  18. Anonymous5:28 PM

    1. Licorice Allsorts. Bad, I know.
    2. Walking. Golfing. Unusual maneuvers with small weights.
    3. Life-long list maker. Will even add items I've already dealt with to a list, just to have the pleasure of crossing them off. There probably is a clinical term for this.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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