Tuesday, January 30, 2024

30 January - The Present and the Past


This morning's sunrise wasn't nearly as dramatic as yesterday's. Just a pale patch of pink that quickly faded to blue. Sunrise was at 7:46 this morning; the days are lengthening. 

When my sister was over she noticed the ceramic rooster sitting on my kitchen bookshelf. 

"That looks like Mom's rooster," she said.
"It is," I replied. 
"It looks much smaller than I remembered."

In every home we lived in, Mom's rooster sat atop the fridge keeping an eye on what went on in the kitchen. At one point the tail broke and you can see where it was glued back on. A few years ago Mom decided she'd seen enough of the rooster and asked me if I wanted it. Now it surveys what's happening in my kitchen. 
The rooster was a wedding present from nearly 70 years ago. Wedding gifts were much simpler then - a pretty teacup, a glass pickle dish, or a flowered cake plate. 
By the time I got married, we received sheet sets (8 of them), bone china dishes, and electrical appliances. I still have quite a number of wedding gifts in use, although no sheets nor electrical appliances. I wrote down who gave us what in a book and consulted it the other day, unsure of who gave us a favourite piece. 
Do you have things from your family's past? 

A colourful House Finch and a Sparrow at the bird feeder today. 


  1. I kept little things here and there in the house. From our wedding we have porcelain plates dishes and crystal glasses . But we don’t use it very often.

  2. I often wonder what to do with a box of beautifully embroidered linen hand towels, belonging to my grandmother. They are really too fragile to use daily, but I cant bear to part with them.
    Well done for going through the month with your daily posts, they have been a joy.

  3. Love the rooster with such a history. I guess our grandmother clock is a bit like that. It was given to my husbands grandparents as a wedding gift in 1930 so heading on 94 years old. We have a dresser full of crockery from the grandparents too. Lots of special memories. B x

  4. I don't have much left. We are trying to pare down!

  5. I love the scenic photo. So peaceful.

    The rooster is a treasure. I have my paternal grandmother’s tea set. She died when my father was fourteen. I treasure it!

  6. Lorrie, I love the story of your kitchen rooster's history! I hope that someday it will sit in a granddaughter's kitchen. A pottery vase of my mother's sits on a shelf in my kitchen and I hope will go to my daughter someday and then to a daughter of her son's. I still have wedding gifts from 62 years ago, mostly pieces of the china and silver I registered for, probably other things would come to mind if I walked around my house. One aunt made ceramic Christmas trees for each of our four children and they still have them. I looked up just now in my office and see a stuffed animal, Beatrix Potter's Black Rabbit, that sits on a stack of books who I rescued from my daughter's yard sale one day after she was married, proving that I am much more sentimental than a younger generation so who know if what I treasure will one day end up in an estate sale!

  7. Sweet photo at the bird feeder. The kitchen rooster looks familiar at least there was a similar one from Greg's folks that I passed onto my brother who had a thing with chickens for a while. Yes, we have many things from the past and it makes me chuckle at just how much we have. Mostly from Greg's parents since my parents really didn't have a lot to hang on to. Congrats on completing your January challenge!

  8. We received several "snack sets" as wedding gifts but I've only kept one. Your rooster is a treasure.

  9. Anonymous8:12 PM

    It is special to have a few things that are meaningful to remind us of our heritage and past generations. Your rooster surely does that, and even better that you remember him and have your own memories attached to him! I love family pieces. I have a few from my dad's parents and a larger number that were from my mother's family. I have my grandparents' little bamboo table in my sunroom, a cross stitched sampler from my great-aunt on my living room wall, and my great-grandparents' china . . . all very meaningful!

  10. A simple sunrise is just as beautiful sometimes -- this certainly is. I loved hearing about your mom's rooster. Do I have things from the past? Oh yeah. Much of my china cabinet is filled with mom's stuff -- crystal, her collections (which I like too or I would have passed them on). And that's just the start! Holiday things, her silver, jewelry, art... And it all is special! (And then there is grandma's china -- not a lot of it left but I love it!)

  11. I like the photograph from the bird feeder :)

    All the best Jan

  12. I like the sound of those simple wedding gifts. True thoughtful gifts. Today you go to a wedding registry and buy something they have chosen, which is good too, but no surprise. I still have some wedding gifts as well.


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On a Tuesday in February

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